319 Broadway St, Rockport, TX 78382 (see map)

Common Species – This is a nesting area for many birds. Some of the nesting birds include Black Skimmer, TriColored Heron, Reddish Egret, Great Blue Heron, Least Tern, Laughing Gull, Killdeer, and Clapper Rail
Spring and Summer Species – Black Tern, Magnificent Frigatebird
Winter Species – American White Pelican, Merlin, large flocks of Avocets Residents – Caspian, Royal, and Forster’s Tern, Roseate Spoonbill, Brown Pelican, Black Skimmer, Reddish Egret
Rockport Beach Park Directions – Seabreeze Drive. This is a pay area with Little Bay to the left and Aransas Bay to the right. At the end of the park there is an observation platform overlooking Bird Island, which is spectacular in the spring with numerous nesting birds. This is an important nesting site of the Black Skimmer.