BIG SIT – a big success at Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary

The “Big Sit” is an event held every year and sponsored by Texas Parks and Wildlife to promote birding and to record bird species in locations across the state. It is celebrated as the Great Texas Birding Classic. The Friends of Connie Hagar sponsored a team to honor the late Connie Hagar – the 1st lady of Texas birders. The team was headed up by Rockport’s Susan Foster. Due to COVID restrictions the number of participants was very limited. The total number of participants was nine. Birders gathered from 6 am to 6pm at the Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary and they were required to sit within a 50 foot circle. From the circle at the Sanctuary site with binoculars, they could observe birds on the bay at Water St., in the prairie on the south and east part of the property and in the brush and oaks on the west side. A total of sixty species were observed including Sandhill Cranes, migrating Franklin Gulls and several species of Hawks. Team members reported sightings to Susan Foster who kept track of the species observed on the ebird app and then sent the results sent to Texas Parks and Wildlife. This is a way to continue the collection of data on migrating birds as Connie Hagar did in the 1930-60s. The Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary is partner with Aransas Pathways and is located at the corner of South Church St. and First Street (1491 S. Church St.) in south Rockport. The 6.25 acres was purchased in 1995 to protect the environment and to honor Connie Hagar. The gardens feature native plants that attract birds and butterflies. The plants are labeled so that visitors may see how native plants adapt to this environment. Workdays are held on the third Sat. of each month at 8:30 am. You may join Friends of Connie Hagar by sending $25 dues to Box 2465, Rockport TX 78381. Story submitted by Pam Stranahan on behalf of the Friends of Connie Hagar, PO Box 2465, Rockport, TX 78381
Volunteers Help Restore Aransas County Pathways Gardens

This September Aransas Pathways had local and out of town volunteer’s help restore our natural gardens after Hurricane Harvey. Due to COVID-19 we have not received any of our out of town volunteer groups. We recently had Morgan Ayers, a natural resource specialist from Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, Sea Grant Program along with two volunteers help us with Linda Castro Bird and Nature venue while maintaining social distancing. We would like to thank Morgen Ayers, Debbie Minns and Melissa Guthrie for helping us. If you would like to volunteer at one of the Aransas Pathways contact Deanna Spruce or call 361-790-9496. We have our next scheduled clean up at Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary October 17, 2020. We have scheduled clean ups at Linda Castro 8:30am-11:30am October 9 and 23 and November 6. We also thank our amazing volunteers that feed our hummers at our Pathways! Weather is great now we need help at these places: Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary-1401 S Church St; Ivy Lane– 499 Ivy Lane; Linda S. Castro Nature Sanctuary– 4140 Hwy 35 N; Rockport Demo Bird Garden Tule East– 2002 Tule Park Dr. and History Center– 801 E. Cedar @Church. Best day to volunteer at the History Center is 9am Fridays but call 361-727-9214 to let them know in advance.
Bird City Letter of Support

ARANSAS PATHWAYS PROJECT ARANSAS COUNTY2840 Hwy 35 N.Rockport, TX 78382 November 2020 Aransas County Pathways supports the application to receive the Bird City status from the Parks and Wildlife Department. Aransas County and the City of Rockport and Town of Fulton are rich in natural resources. Our wealth of historic sites, birding opportunities, water-based recreational opportunities and the dedication of the community to their preservation are self-evident in the many organizations that have been established. Linda S. Castro Nature Sanctuary is 4 1/2 acres which contains 3 distant habitats…a live oak motte, a remnant of a coastal prairie, and an ephemeral pond. A coastal Live Oak forest is special because of the native shrubs and plants that makeup the understory. This plant community, together with the Live Oaks, is called an oak motte. Oak mottes are valuable stopover habitats for migrating songbirds. The coast prairie consists of native grasses and wildflowers which provide food and shelter for many different varieties of wildlife. Other sites include Henderson Habitat, Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary and Tulle Marsh East and other venues. Also Aransas County Pathways has a Pavilion with interpreted signage at Tulle Park West with a footbridge to Shell Crete Nature Venue. The interpretive signage at the Pavilion explains each Aransas Pathways Venue. The Pavilion has a deck for relaxation and observing nature along Tule Creek. This facility functions as the trailhead for the Pathways ecotourism venues. We are proud of all our Aransas County Pathways Venues, our many partners, friends, volunteers, community and proud to share with visitors from all over the world. It would be an honor to receive the Bird City status from the Parks and Wildlife Department. Thank you for your consideration. Aransas County Pathways Co-Chair Aransas County Pathways Co-Chair Tom Callan De McLallen
Key Allegro: A Vision for Growth

Exhibit opens: August 10, 2019 The Friends of the History Center for Aransas County announce the opening of the exhibit “Key Allegro: A Vision for Growth” set for Saturday, August 10th, 7:00 p.m. at 801 E. Cedar Street in Rockport. From a Karankawa Indian settlement to the resort community it is today, Key Allegro’s history is colorful and storied. The exhibit will portray the early history of the coast to the present day, capturing all aspects of the growth of Key Allegro and how it impacts Aransas County and the surrounding areas. Artifacts, maps, photographs, and videos will further illustrate the long-term vision. Keynote speaker for the opening will be Carla Krueger, daughter of Carl Kreuger, Jr. who purchased Key Allegro in 1961. Carla and her friends will share stories of her father’s vision and often unique marketing events to increase public interest in developing the property. Light refreshments will be served. Admission is free. The exhibit will run from August 10 – November 17, 2019. Programs will be held on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. The following topics will be presented: The History Center for Aransas County at 801 E. Cedar Street is open Mondays and Fridays 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Sunday 1:00 -4:00 p.m. You are invited to join the Friends or become a docent on a volunteer basis. For more information, visit our web site: or call 361 727-9214.
kick-off for the 30th Annual HummerBird Celebration

Find your Pathway in Birding! Join us for a special Aransas Pathways Event ROCKPORT-FULTON, TX — Come join in as we take you on a tour of Aransas Pathways birding sites and win! The event will be the kick-off for the 30th Annual HummerBird Celebration. It will start on Thursday September 13 at 7:30 am with a coffee and snack welcome at the Aransas Pathway’s Center Pavilion, 2491 Hwy 35 North (Walmart entrance next to Tule Creek) in Rockport. Attendees will visit four Aransas pathways sites including Linda S. Castro Sanctuary, Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary and The History Center for Aransas County. This is a self-guided tour with specific times to visit each site. The event will include a Birding card game in which participants will collect special cards at each site. Cards will be distributed on a first come, first served basis. A playing card will be collected at each site. The participant who holds the winning hand at the end of the tour will be awarded a pair of Eagle Optics Kingbird 6.5×32 Binoculars. The Tour times are as follows: The tour and game are both open to the public. We encourage our visitors and locals alike to participate. For more information on the event 361-729-6445.
Vintage Fishing Lures

Come to the History Center to learn the history of fishing lures such as Bingo, Pluggin Shorty, Humps and Heddon. Melissa Cosby-Pina and her father Charles “Popo” Cosby collected and sold lures for many years. Visitors loved visiting them and seeing their collection at PoPo’s Gallery in downtown Rockport, where Popo also sold his art. While you’re at the Center, you can see our current exhibit, “Foodways: The Culinary Traditions of Aransas County.” FREE ADMISSION, but donations always appreciated. View the full event information here.
Beware of Alligator

The Aransas Pathway’s Holiday Beach Venue is a great birding site but it also has alligators. The alligators are a great attraction for our out of town guests and residents alike. Alligators are predatory animals and can be dangerous. They should be left alone and do not feed them. Feeding them could harm the alligator and could put you in danger. Please keep what happened at Disney World in mind. That alligator was fed by people and when the Dad and Son stepped in the water the alligator took the boy. We don’t want that.
Ivy Lane Walk on 2-4-2017

A great learning experience was had by all 17 participants in the second Nature walk at Ivy Lane with Kris Kirkwood. These nature walks are sponsored by Keep Aransas County Beautiful (contact – Neli Spurrell). They are held the first Saturday of the month from 9-11 am at Ivy Lane Birding Site at 242 Ivy Ln, Rockport, TX. Check our Calendar of Events for more exciting event.
Stewards of Nature

“Stewards of Nature“ Opening 10-September-2016 through 12-November 2016 The Friends of the History Center are delighted to present an exhibit about “Stewards of Nature.” Your friends and neighbors will be showcased in posters and programs that relate their efforts that have restored and preserved our precious coastal environment. The exhibit will open Saturday, September 10 with remarks at 6:00 PM at the History Center, 801 E. Cedar St. The exhibit is free and open to the public on Fridays and Saturdays 10 AM – 2 PM with programs on designated Sundays at 2:00 PM. Photos courtesy Diane Nunley and Jeff Adams (USFWS) Click here to view videos and photos from the exhibit opening – 10-Sep-2016
New Birds and Plants Lists posted for Castro Nature Sanctuary

After a lot of hard work identifying, confirming, and double checking new and revised lists are available for bird species sighted and plants located at the Linda S. Castro Nature Sanctuary.