@ Ivy Lane Bird and Nature Venue (499 Ivy Lane, Rockport) Saturday May 22, 2021
8am-10am – VOLUNTEERS needed in the pollinator’s garden to help clean up and plant native plants
10am-11am – NATURE WALK guided by a Texas Master Naturalist
Aransas Pathways is hosting a guided native plant walk in the coastal woodland and prairie habitat at Ivy Lane Bird and Nature Venue from 10am-11am. The Nature Walk will be guided by Neli Spurrell, a Texas Master Naturalist.
Bring your gardening gloves, water, masks and favorite gardening tool if you wish learn while you help at the garden!
If you would like to volunteer at Ivy Lane Bird and Nature Venue or any of the Aransas Pathways contact Deanna Spruce pio@aransascounty.org or call 361-790-9496.
View the Aransas Pathways map at: https://bit.ly/PathwaysMap