499 Ivy Lane, Rockport, TX 78382 (see map)

The Ivy Lane site is located at the end of Ivy Lane, off of Griffith Drive. There are benches, a hard packed trail, a primitive trail, and water drips on the site. This 28 acre woodland was preserved by the city of Rockport as their water field. The Coastal Live Oak forest is special because of the native shrubs and plants that make up the understory. The understory plant community, together with the Live Oaks, is called an oak motte. Some of the common plants are Red Bay, Yaupon Holly, Wax Myrtle, Beauty Berry, and Turk’s Cap. Oak mottes are a valuable stopover habitat for migrating songbirds. After flying for about 24 hours to cross the Gulf of Mexico, the birds often arrive completely exhausted. The oak motte provides food, shelter, and a place for the birds to recover.