Aransas Pathways

“Holiday Traditions” at the History Center

“Holiday Traditions” at the History Center

Enjoy an early glimpse into the “Holiday Traditions” exhibit on Saturday, November 19, 1- 4 PM and view a program on Sunday, November 20 at 2:00 PM at the History Center, 801 E. Cedar St. The program, “Christmas in Texas,” will be presented in a slide program by Pam Stranahan. She will illustrate the many nationalities who settled in Texas and brought their traditions with them. Add your favorite family tradition to the stories from the past.

The main gallery of the History Center will remind you of days-gone-by with ornaments and trees to entertain you. Many ornaments come from the collection of Mrs. Wilson who was the owner of the Bailey house on S. Church Street.  A tree decorated with coastal shells will inspire you to walk our local beaches. Bask in the twinkling lights that bring memories of magical times.

Visit the History Center during Tropical Christmas on Saturday, December 3, 1 – 4 PM.  Take a break from other activities to view trees and décor from historic eras.

Find unique gifts at the History Center.  Publications about local history by the Center include the R-F Art Colony, ABCs of the Art Colony (for youth), Foodways: The Culinary Traditions of Aransas County, Aransas County in Postcards, 30 Years Through the News/Lens, and Doc Bruhl’s Herb Garden. Other gifts ideas are notecards and craft jewelry.

Printable version of “Holiday Traditions” at the History Center

The History Center at 801 E. Cedar St. in Rockport is open Fri. 10-2; Sat. 1 – 4; Sun. 1-4; and Mon. 10-2. A venue of Aransas Pathways. Learn more about activities and events – upcoming and past – online at  361 727-9214.

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