Aransas Pathways

“Holiday Traditions” at the History Center

Enjoy an early glimpse into the “Holiday Traditions” exhibit on Saturday, November 19, 1- 4 PM and view a program on Sunday, November 20 at 2:00 PM at the History Center, 801 E. Cedar St. The program, “Christmas in Texas,” will be presented in a slide program by Pam Stranahan. She will illustrate the many nationalities who settled in Texas and brought their traditions with them. Add your favorite family tradition to the stories from the past. The main gallery of the History Center will remind you of days-gone-by with ornaments and trees to entertain you. Many ornaments come from the collection of Mrs. Wilson who was the owner of the Bailey house on S. Church Street.  A tree decorated with coastal shells will inspire you to walk our local beaches. Bask in the twinkling lights that bring memories of magical times. Visit the History Center during Tropical Christmas on Saturday, December 3, 1 – 4 PM.  Take a break from other activities to view trees and décor from historic eras. Find unique gifts at the History Center.  Publications about local history by the Center include the R-F Art Colony, ABCs of the Art Colony (for youth), Foodways: The Culinary Traditions of Aransas County, Aransas County in Postcards, 30 Years Through the News/Lens, and Doc Bruhl’s Herb Garden. Other gifts ideas are notecards and craft jewelry. Printable version of “Holiday Traditions” at the History Center The History Center at 801 E. Cedar St. in Rockport is open Fri. 10-2; Sat. 1 – 4; Sun. 1-4; and Mon. 10-2. A venue of Aransas Pathways. Learn more about activities and events – upcoming and past – online at  361 727-9214.

Archeology Day at the History Center, Sunday Oct. 9, 2022, 1-4 PM

Join archeologists to learn more about the early people of Aransas County.Activities begin at 1:00 PM with centers that relate the skills of early people. Create a pinch pot, select a stone for tool making and learn how archeologists record information. At 3:00 PM David Kroskie will speak about local archeological investigations.  “Archeology in Regional State Parks” will include surveys of Goose Island, Goliad, and Powderhorn. David Kroskie is a Cultural Resources Coordinator/Regional Archeologist for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD).

New Exhibit “Weathering the Storms: 1919 & 2017” at the History Center

“Weathering the Storms – 1919 and 2017: Historic Places of Refuge” will open Thursday, August 25, at 7 PM, on the five-year anniversary of landfall for Hurricane Harvey. Historic documents relate the stories of the 1919 storm that ended the resort era for Rockport. Many of the places featured have Historical Markers that relate the full story of the people who lived through the storm. A dramatic portrayal of 1919 events based on diary entries will play on the flat screen. Interviews with current owners and photographs show how their historic venues fared during Hurricane Harvey. Places that are profiled include the Baylor-Norvell home, the Fulton-Bruhl  home, home of Richard Wood, Sorenson-Stair mercantile, Baldwin-Brundrett home, Harper house, L.M. Bracht house, and the Bruhl-Paul-Johnson house. This exhibit is made possible in part by a grant from the Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Education Committee who worked on this exhibit include Dave Kroskie, Maureen Winkelman, Pam Stranahan, and Amy Parker. Exhibits will also open at other locations – “Our Journey,” at the Visitor Center of the Chamber of Commerce “It’s Still Standing…: A Hurricane History of the Fulton Mansion” at Fulton Mansion State Historic Site. Sunday afternoon programs will enhance the exhibits. The History Center at 801 E. Cedar St. in Rockport is open Fri. 10-2; Sat. 1 – 4; Sun. 1-4; and Mon. 10-2. A venue of Aransas Pathways. Semi-permanent exhibit “Voices from the Past: The Building of AransasCounty.” Learn more about activities and events – upcoming and past – online at 727-9214.

HummerBird Celebration for 2022

HummerBird Celebration September 15-18, 2022!!! Current information and ticket purchases – About • Tickets • Shop • Event Brochure • Get Involved • Facebook  We are excited to have Richard Crossley at the 2022 HummerBird Celebration. Richard will be the Keynote Speaker, late afternoon on Saturday . He is an internationally acclaimed birder, photographer and award winning author. Be sure to check out his of publications: ‘The Crossley ID Guide’ series, a “reality birding” approach to looking at connections between birds and habitats. Richard is frequently heard on radio, and is a sought-after public speaker known for his thought-provoking and entertaining style that helps awaken a bigger picture view of observation and ID.

Aransas County Pathways Southern Trail Ribbon Cutting

Aransas County Pathways Southern Trail Ribbon Cutting Announcement and Ceremony Program Date: Monday November 8, 2021 Time: 11:30am Venue: Connie Hagar Cottage Pavilion 600 East First Street (First and Church) Ribbon cutting at start of Southern Trail

Keller Williams Coastal Bend Rockport Does It Again

Thank you Keller Williams Coastal Bend Rockport for sprucing up the Tule Marsh Demo Garden Tuesday afternoon. We planted native trees and added mulch to the front garden. If you would like to volunteer or have a group to participate at one of the Aransas Pathways, contact Deanna Spruce

Thanks to Andrea Hattman, Ward 4 for Sprucing Things Up

Thank you to the amazing volunteers and Andrea Hattman, Ward 4 for Sprucing Things Up over the weekend at Tule Creek Hike and Bike Trail. Thank you to Coastal Bend Waste for providing the removal of the trash. Collaboration between the City, County, Aransas Pathways and terrific volunteers enabled us to make our venue beautiful! Thank you City Parks and Recreation Director Rick Martinez and Parks Superintendent George Bennett for their work and support. We had a great turnout and lots of fun and the trails look great!

Thanks to Heritage Youth and Family Services

Thank you middle and high school students from Heritage Youth and Family Services of Texas for Sprucing Things Up at Linda S. Castro Nature Sanctuary on Thursday, June 10, 2021. Students removed dead plants from the recent Winter Storm and replaced with trees to attract the Birds, Bees and Butterflies. Students learned about our many Aransas Pathways venues, our abundance of birds and plants and the importance of preserving our unique and natural playground. Join us this weekend for our next clean up at Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary Saturday, June 19, 2021 from 8am to 10 am; and then Tule Creek Hike and Bike Trail Saturday, June 26, 2021 8am to 10am. We will meet at the Pavilion near Walmart and entrance to Tule Creek Hike and Bike Trail. If you would like to volunteer at one of the Aransas Pathways, contact Deanna Spruce

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