Linda S. Castro Nature Sanctuary

4140 Hwy 35 N., Rockport, TX 78382 (map below) This 4 1/2 acres contain 3 distinct habitats…a live oak motte, a remnant of a coastal prairie, and an ephemeral pond. A coastal Live Oak forest is special because of the native shrubs and plants that makeup the understory. This plant community, together with the Live Oaks, is called an oak motte. Oak mottes are valuable stopover habitats for migrating songbirds. This coastal prairie consists of native grasses and wildflowers. Coastal prairies provide food and shelter for many different varieties of wildlife. The plants mature in the fall and produce colorful seed heads. Standing on the slab and looking down the hill is an ephemeral pond. An ephemeral pond can be without water for a long period depending on the weather cycle. They are distinctive wetlands devoid of fish. This allows the safe development of amphibians and insects unable to withstand predation from fish. It is a Texas native plant garden. This site is a recognized Butterfly Waystation. Monarch Waystations are places that provide resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. Without milkweeds throughout their spring and summer breeding areas in North America, monarchs would not be able to produce the successive generations that culminate in the migration each fall. Similarly, without nectar from flowers these fall migratory monarch butterflies would be unable to make their long journey to overwintering grounds in Mexico. The need for host plants for larvae and energy sources for adults applies to all monarch and butterfly populations around the world. For more information visit – Monarch Waystation Program Check out our plant inventory at Linda S. Castro Nature Sanctuary
Pathways Center – Pavilion & Bridge (Tule West)

2491 Hwy 35 N., Rockport, TX 78382 (see map) The pavilion, called “Pathways Center ” is the principal information center for all of the Aransas Pathways projects. These include: Birding, History, Kayaking, and Hiking and Biking Trails. “Pathways Center” houses informational kiosks with interpretive signage explaining each Aransas Pathway project, with an open space for meetings and events. There is also a deck for relaxing and observing Tule Creek and the adjoining Shellcrete Birding and Nature site. Also known as Tule Creek West. The bridge connects the North and South sides of Tule Creek and the nature site. This facility functions as the trailhead for Pathways Eco-tourism projects in the Aransas County. Pathways Center is located on the west side of Highway 35 N and the intersection of Tule Creek. This is at the traffic light for the north entrance into Walmart. This land was leased from the City of Rockport and will serve as a birding site but will also be the information center for the Project. It includes a wooden bridge crossing Tule Creek linking the parking lot at the head of the City Hike and Bike trail to Shellcrete Historic Site and Birding Site. There is an open air pavilion with informative, interpretive signage describing the Aransas Pathways project for use by tourists and visitors. This pavilion has an excellent view of the creek and is expected to attract birders and photographers. It is also useful as a spot to stage local events and educational activities for our residents.
Swan Lake

1201 Copano Retreat Rd, Taft, TX 78390 (see map) Swan Lake Kayak launch site is a popular spot for kayaking and canoeing enthusiasts, located on Copano Retreat Road in Taft, TX. Copano Retreat Road is located off of TX Highway 188, 4 miles Northwest of 35 Bypass Rockport, TX. The launch site provides access to the North East area of Port Bay, which is a shallow saltwater body of water surrounded by marshlands. The launch site features ample parking space for vehicles and trailers. There is a 50 yard hard surface path from the parking lot to the water. In addition to kayaking and canoeing, Swan Lake also offers excellent opportunities for fishing, bird watching, and wildlife viewing. Visitors can expect to see a variety of waterfowl, shorebirds, and other wildlife in their natural habitats. Overall, Swan Lake Kayak launch site on Copano Retreat Road is a great destination for anyone looking to experience the natural beauty of the Texas coast while enjoying outdoor recreational activities.
Shellcrete Birding and Nature Site

28°03’02.4″N 97°02’31.3″W (see map) 2550 Hwy 35 N, Rockport, TX 78382 Spring Species – Scarlet and Summer Tanagers, Blue Grosbeak, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo and Painted Buntings, Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, 27 species of Wood Warbler including Ovenbird, Prothonotary and Canada Warblers, Brown-crested and Great-crested Flycatchers, Solitary Sandpiper. Fall and Winter Species – American Goldfinch, Lincoln’s, Swamp, and chipping Sparrows, Orange-crowned Warbler, Pine Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Mourning Warbler, Hermit Thrush, Blue-headed Vireo. Shellcrete Birding Site Location – Shellcrete is located on Hwy 35 next to Tule Creek. This is an 11 acre wooded birding site. Tule Creek runs beside the woods. Use the parking lot at the Aransas Pathways Center – Pavilion & Bridge site (Tule West) and walk the bridge or sidewalk to access Shellcrete Birding and Nature site.
Port Bay Road

612 Port Bay Club Rd, Rockport, TX 78382 (see map) PORT BAY ROAD This site is located at the north west end of Port Bay road off of Farm to Market Road 1069. It is an existing public access site to this part of Port Bay. Most of Port Bay Road is a fair weather access road and is subject to rutting in rainy weather. This area of Port Bay is known as a good winter fishing area.
Airport Road

28°05’18.2″N 97°03’37.8″W (see map) Located at the northwest end of Airport road where it intersects with Copano Bay with excellent access to Copano Bay. The site is only a short distance from Rockport-Fulton with a hard surface driveway and parking area. Shoreline access is through a short trail from the parking area. Kayaks can be launched from the shore which also provides great shoreline or wade-fishing and birdwatching. The area along the shoreline north of here is undeveloped as it is part of the Aransas County Airport property.
Henderson Habitat Preserve

1010 W Palmetto Ave, Rockport, TX 78382 or 944 Henderson St, Rockport, TX 78382 (map below) The front parking lot features paver stones with grass growing in between, thus creating an permeable surface. There is a walking trail complete with interpretive signage. The area also features two water retention ponds, which take on the water that comes from Marion Drive. The walking trail connects to Palmetto Street and there is an available entrance with an ADA compliant parking lot available from that side, as well as entry from Henderson St.
Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary

1401-1499 S. Church St., Rockport, TX 78382 (see map) Spring Species – Good migrant trap in the spring. Assortment of Warblers, Vireos, Orioles, and Flycatchers Fall and Winter Species – Migrating Fall Warblers, Hermit Thrush, Blue-headed Vireo. Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary The sanctuary is located at the corner of South Church Street and East First Street. There is parking along E. First Street. The site has 6.25 acres with an observation platform. This sanctuary is a mixture of oak motte and native grasses. This is the original location of the famed Rockport Cottages, operated by Connie and Jack Hagar. Mrs. Hagar moved to Rockport in 1935 and devoted her life to documenting bird life in the Rockport area. This site is a recognized Butterfly Waystation. Monarch Waystations are places that provide resources necessary for monarchs to produce successive generations and sustain their migration. Without milkweeds throughout their spring and summer breeding areas in North America, monarchs would not be able to produce the successive generations that culminate in the migration each fall. Similarly, without nectar from flowers these fall migratory monarch butterflies would be unable to make their long journey to overwintering grounds in Mexico. The need for host plants for larvae and energy sources for adults applies to all monarch and butterfly populations around the world. For more information visit – Monarch Waystation Program
Ivy Lane

499 Ivy Lane, Rockport, TX 78382 (see map) The Ivy Lane site is located at the end of Ivy Lane, off of Griffith Drive. There are benches, a hard packed trail, a primitive trail, and water drips on the site. This 28 acre woodland was preserved by the city of Rockport as their water field. The Coastal Live Oak forest is special because of the native shrubs and plants that make up the understory. The understory plant community, together with the Live Oaks, is called an oak motte. Some of the common plants are Red Bay, Yaupon Holly, Wax Myrtle, Beauty Berry, and Turk’s Cap. Oak mottes are a valuable stopover habitat for migrating songbirds. After flying for about 24 hours to cross the Gulf of Mexico, the birds often arrive completely exhausted. The oak motte provides food, shelter, and a place for the birds to recover.
Rockport Demo Bird Garden and Wetlands (Tule East)

2002 Tule Park Dr., Rockport, TX 78382 or Highway Bus 35 North, across from Walmart (see map) Spring Species – Scarlet and Summer Tanagers, Blue Grosbeak, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo and Painted Buntings, Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, 27 species of Wood Warbler including Ovenbird, Prothonotary and Canada Warblers, Brown-crested and Great-crested Flycatchers, Solitary Sandpiper Fall and Winter Species – American Goldfinch, Lincoln’s, Swamp, and Chipping Sparrows, Orange-crowned Warbler, Pine Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Mourning Warbler, Hermit Thrush, Blue-headed Vireo. Aransas Pathways Site Picture Rockport Demo Bird Garden and Wetlands Pond Site CTC-050 Great Texas Birding Trail Location This 5-acre site is located on Highway Bus 35 North, across the street from Walmart. You will notice a roadside park with shady parking. Enjoy a walk along the boardwalk. Follow the trail beside the demonstration garden to the pond in the back of the property. This site is sometimes called Tule Marsh East by Rockport residents – don’t let the name confuse you!