Aransas Pathways

“Quilting in the New Normal” – Open Jan. 14 at the History Ctr.

“Quilting in the New Normal” – Open Jan. 14 at the History Ctr.

The Piecemakers-by-the-Bay and The Friends of the History Center will present a show titled ”Quilting in the New Normal.”  Coffee and pastries will be served at the opening on Saturday, January 14, 10 AM.  Opening remarks will be made by Susie Black. Mimi Braniff will present a traditional Bed Turning program where quilts will be shown with the patterns and stitching described. The main galleries at the History Center will be filled with needlework from guild members and Fourth Graders from Sacred Heart School.

Programs will be featured on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 PM.

  • Jan. 29 – International Fabric in Today’s Quilts by Mimi Braniff;
  • Feb. 12 Threadwork in Quilting by Sharon Wasteney
  • Mar. 12 Fabric Painting in Quilting by Christy Linsley

A beautiful quilt created by the Piecemakers will be raffled at the close of the exhibit. Tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5) will be available at the History Center.  The drawing for a winner will be held Sunday, April 2 at 4:00 PM.  Proceeds from the raffle will benefit the History Center.

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